In part 1, Brokken and Kubat explained where the ideas for icmake came from, the basics of the program and where you can get a copy. In Parts 2 and 3 we covered the grammar of icmake source files. In this final part of the article we show examples of the use of icmake.
5. Some examples.
Three examples will be given in this final section, completing our discussion of icmake. The first example illustrates a `traditional make script’, used with icmake. The example was taken from the `callback utility’, developed by Karel (and also available from The second example is a simple dos2unix script which may be used to convert DOS textfiles to Unix textfiles: it uses awk to do the hard work. Finally, the attic-move script is presented, implementing a non-destructive remove, by moving files into an `’. More examples can be found in the icmake distribution tar.gz file. The examples are annotated by their own comment, and are presented as they are currently used.
5.1. The callback-(ic)make script.
#!/usr/local/bin/icmake -qi #define CC "gcc" #define CFLAGS "-c -Wall" #define STRIP "strip" #define AR "ar" #define ARREPLACE "rvs" #define DEBUG "" #define CALLBACKDIR "/conf/callback" #define BINDIR "/usr/local/bin" #define VER "1.05v int compdir (string dir) { int i, ret; list ofiles, cfiles; string hfile, curdir, cfile, ofile, libfile; curdir = chdir ("."); libfile = "lib" + dir + ".a"; hfile = dir + ".h"; chdir (dir); if (hfile younger libfile) cfiles = makelist ("*.c"); else cfiles = makelist ("*.c", younger, libfile); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (cfiles); i++) { cfile = element (i, cfiles); ofile = change_ext (cfile, ".o"); if (! exists (ofile) || ofile older cfile) exec (CC, DEBUG, CFLAGS, cfile); } if (ofiles = makelist ("*.o")) { exec (AR, ARREPLACE, libfile, "*.o"); exec ("rm", "*.o"); ret = 1; } chdir (curdir); return (ret); } void linkprog (string dir) { chdir (dir); exec (CC, DEBUG, "-o", dir, "-l" + dir, "-lrss", "-L. -L../rss"); chdir (".."); } void buildprogs () { int cblogin, cbstat, rss; chdir ("src"); cblogin = compdir ("cblogin"); cbstat = compdir ("cbstat"); rss = compdir ("rss"); if (cblogin || rss) linkprog ("cblogin"); if (cbstat || rss) linkprog ("cbstat"); chdir (".."); } void instprog (string prog, string destdir) { chdir ("src/" + prog); exec (STRIP, prog); exec ("chmod", "700", prog); exec ("cp", prog, destdir); chdir ("../.."); } void install () { buildprogs (); instprog ("cblogin", CALLBACKDIR); instprog ("cbstat", BINDIR); } void cleandir (string dir) { chdir ("src/" + dir); exec ("rm", "-f", "*.o lib*.a", dir); chdir ("../.."); } void clean () { exec ("rm", "-f", "build.bim"); cleandir ("cblogin"); cleandir ("cbstat"); cleandir ("rss"); } void makedist () { list examples; int i; clean (); chdir ("examples"); examples = makelist ("*"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof (examples); i++) if (exists ("/conf/callback/" + element (i, examples)) && "/conf/callback/" + element (i, examples) younger element (i, examples)) exec ("cp", "/conf/callback/" + element (i, examples), element (i, examples)); chdir (".."); exec ("rm", "-f", "callback-" + VER + ".tar*"); exec ("tar", "cvf", "callback-" + VER + ".tar", "*"); exec ("gzip", "callback-" + VER + ".tar"); exec ("mv", "callback-" + VER + ".tar.z", "callback-" + VER + ".tar.gz"); } void main (int argc, list argv) { if (element (1, argv) == "progs") buildprogs (); else if (element (1, argv) == "install") install (); else if (element (1, argv) == "clean") clean (); else if (element (1, argv) == "dist") makedist (); else { printf ("\n" "Usage: build progs - builds programs\n" " build install - installs program\n" " build clean - cleanup .o files etc.\n" "\n" " build dist - makes .tar.gz distrib file\n" "\n"); exit (1); } exit (0); }
5.2. The Dos to Unix script.
#!/usr/local/bin/icmake -qi /* DOS2UNIX This script is used to change dos textfiles into unix textfiles. */ string pidfile; void usage(string prog) { prog = change_ext(get_base(prog), ""); // keep the scriptname printf("\n" "ICCE ", prog, ": Dos to Unix textfile conversion. Version 1.00\n" "Copyright (c) ICCE 1993, 1994. All rights reserved\n" "\n", prog, " by Frank B. Brokken\n" "\n" "Usage: ", prog, " file(s)\n" // give help "Where:\n" "file(s): MS-DOS textfiles to convert to UNIX textfiles\n" "\n"); exit (1); // and exit } void dos2unix(string file) { if (!exists(file)) printf("'", file, "' does not exist: skipped\n"); else { printf("converting: ", file, "\n"); exec("/bin/mv", file, pidfile); system("/usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN {FS=\"\\r\"}; {print $1}' " + pidfile + " > " + file); } } void process(list argv) { int i; // make general scratchname pidfile = "/tmp/dos2unix." + (string)getpid(); echo(OFF); // no echoing of exec-ed progs for (i = 1; i < sizeof(argv); i++) dos2unix(element(i, argv)); // convert dos 2 unix if (exists(pidfile)) exec("/bin/rm", pidfile); // remove final junk } int main(int argc, list argv) { if (argc == 1) usage(element(0, argv)); process(argv); // process all arguments return (0); // return when ready }
5.3. The Attic Move script.
#! /usr/local/bin/icmake -qi /* This script is used to implement a non-destructive rm */ #define YEAR "1993, 1994" #define VERSION "1.10" int flags_done, extract, viewmode, debug; string home, attic, cwd, progname, recurs, forced, unzipflag; void kill(string s) { printf(s, "\n\n"); exit(1); } void preamble(list argv, list envp) { int index; cwd = chdir("."); // get cwd for (index = 0; home = element(index, envp); index += 2) { if (home == "HOME") // HOME found { // get it home = element(index + 1, envp); break; // and done } } if (!home) kill("$HOME not found"); progname = change_ext(element(0, argv), ""); attic = home + "/attic"; // set $HOME/attic, change to } void check_attic() { if (!exists(attic)) // attic should exist { printf(attic, " does not exist. Create it [y/n] ? "); if (getch() != "y") // not a "y" ? kill("ok."); system("mkdir " + attic); // make the attic subdir exec("chmod", 700, attic); // private use } // else attic must be dir else if (!((int)element(0, stat(attic)) & S_IFDIR)) kill("'" + attic + "' is not a directory"); attic += "/attic"; // append the zip-name chdir("/"); // go to the root } void set_flags(string arg) { int index; string flag; // process all arguments for (index = 1; flag = element(index, arg); index++) { if (flag == "r") // process encountered options recurs = "-r"; if (flag == "d") debug++; else if (flag == "f") forced = "-f"; else if (flag == "x") extract++; else if (flag == "v") { extract++; viewmode++; unzipflag = "-l "; } else kill("Unrecognized flag '-" + flag + "': " + progname + "aborted"); } if (extract && unzipflag == "") unzipflag = "-u "; // use proper unzip flag } list options(int argc, list argv) { int index; list ret; string arg; for (index = 0; index < argc; index++) { arg = element(index, argv); // get next argument if (element(0, arg) == "-") // first element is a - ? set_flags(arg); // then set flags else ret += (list)arg; // or add to list to return } return (ret); // returned list } void usage() { printf ( "\n" "ICCE AM (Attic Move) non-destructive remove. Version " VERSION "\n" "Copyright (c) ICCE " YEAR ". All Rights Reserved\n" "\n" "AM by Frank B. Brokken\n" "\n" "Usage: ", progname, " [options] file(s)\n" "Where:\n" " options:\n" " -d: Debug mode: no execution but display of commands\n" " -f: Forced processing of indicated files\n" " -r: Recursive removal of directory contents\n" " -v: View current contents of the attic\n" " -x: Extract files from the attic to their original place\n" " (i.e., if you are permitted to do so...\n" "\n" " file(s): names of files and directories to move to/from the attic\n" "\n" " ", home, "/attic/ is used to store the files.\n" "\n" ); exit (1); } string prefix_path(string file) { string el, ret; int index; if (element(0, file) != "/") // if file isn't an absolute path file = cwd + file; // then make an absolute path for (index = 1; el = element(index, file); index++) ret += el; // remove first char from abs path return (ret); // return modified string } void retrieve(string file) { string cmd; cmd = "unzip " // update only + unzipflag + attic; if (!viewmode) cmd += " " + prefix_path(file); // and the file (+ path prefix) if (debug) printf("( cd /; ", cmd, " )\n"); // debug: show command else system(cmd); // else exec cmd } void remove(string file) { string cmd; cmd = "zip -my " // remove, remove links as links + forced // maybe forced + " " + recurs // maybe recursive + " " + attic // target zip + " " + prefix_path(file); // and the file (+ path prefix) if (debug) printf("( cd /; ", cmd, " )\n"); // debug: show command else system(cmd); // else exec cmd } void one_file(string file) { if (extract) // either retrieve or remove retrieve(file); // the file else remove(file); } void process(int argc, list argv) { int index; for (index = 1; index < argc; index++) one_file(element(index, argv)); // process one file } int main(int argc, list argv, list envp) { echo (OFF); preamble(argv, envp); // set progname and attic dir. argv = options(argc, argv); // get the options argc = sizeof(argv); // determine remaining arguments if (argc == 1 && !viewmode) // none left and no viewmode? usage(); // give usage and exit 1 check_attic(); // check accessability of attic if (viewmode) // view contents retrieve(""); else // or process(argc, argv); // process remaining arguments return (0); // done }